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Should We Just Let Non-Black People have The Word, “N*gger,” Once and For All?
Here’s the thing about the word “n*gger” as ugly as it is, when used by a non-Black person, it says far more about the person using it than it does about the human being against whom it is lobbed.
I have never once in all my years met a n*gger and neither have you. Just like other mythological creatures, the n*gger does not exist in the way non-Black people, and occasionally Black people who have internalized anti-Blackness to this degree, mean it when they try to use it to offend.

The word itself really has no pejorative definitive definition beyond the contempt with which it is used which causes it to embody the inhumane and disgraceful stereotypes regarding Black human beings that non-Black human beings have developed to perpetuate power structures and justify inequality and their own inhumanity.
There are few if any Black people who associate in any way with this mythological creature anymore than there are people who associate in meaningful ways with being centaurs, Santa Clause, yetis, or the tooth fairy.
The entire use of the word n*gger is premised on the power we have given it and the impact it…